Our Experience

Ethos public relations has a wealth of PR, communications and marketing experience.

We have worked for a wide range of clients on a very wide range of projects. Some recent examples are listed below.

Media launch of first co-operative urban pub

Managing social media for clients

European PR planning

Managed Devon-wide print advertising campaign

Annual report production

Produced a magazine in six languages

Advised The Co-operative on socially responsible investing

Product labelling

Brand development for global company

Do you ever need a writer to interview someone for your website, magazine or blog?

Sean from Ethos public relations has interviewed a wide range of people over the years including politicians, celebrities, business leaders and the general public. As well as interviewing someone on your behalf we can also manage photography at the same time, delivering a complete article for you.

Some of our previous interviewees are Tony Blair; Tim Smit, Founder of the Eden Project; Baroness Kennedy; Charlie Mayfield, Chairman of the John Lewis Partnership, and MPs Sajiv Javid and  Iain Duncan-Smith.

Why not get in touch if we can help out.